Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Last Week In Beer, Today. This is where I take a look at the last week in beer and try to tell you everything that was worth noting. This week we have new beers, craft beer farmers getting rich soon, this bud is
These 7 Breakfast Recipes Will Have You Making Time To Eat In The Morning
Who doesn’t like breakfast? Nobody, that’s who and if you don’t like breakfast, well that’s exactly what you are, a nobody. Sorry to be so harsh but breakfast is a religion where I come from. Anyhow, just in time for lunch I give you these 7 mouth watering, stomach filling,
Last Week In Beer, Today… (Weekly Beer News (Kinda)) – 2/23/15
Hello and welcome to the first edition of Last Week In Beer, Today… The new semi-weekly (or whatever) informal beer news round-up where we take a look back on whats been happening. So what news is on tap last week today, huh? Could a Colorado craft brewery sell out to
Victory Hop Ticket Dry Hopped Pils
Hop Ticket Dry Hopped Pils from nearby Victory Brewing Company of Downingtown, PA
Can I Just Ferment In The Bottling Bucket? What About Secondary Fermentation?
Can I just ferment in the bottling bucket? Why transfer from one to the other? Or if I want to do a secondary, could I just do that in the bottling bucket? I have a Brown IPA fermenting in a bottling bucket right now. There’s nothing wrong with using the
Home Brewing – The Water FAQ (aka Turning Water Into Fine)
Much like how the famed limestone water of Kentucky makes their bourbon so special, what is in your water (or not in it) could make or break just how good your beer ends up tasting. Water, being the largest of the main ingredients in beer, holds an important role to the