About FBS; Privacy Policy

All reviewed products on www.foodbeerstuff.com are bought using my own money unless otherwise noted with-in the publication. FoodBeerStuff.com particpates in the Amazon Affiliates program and receives a commission when products are purchased through certain links on the site. This commission has no effect on the price of the product and is paid from Amazon directly.

Privacy Policy

FoodBeerStuff.com uses Google Analytics software to view website visitor statistics. We also use Google Adsense to make a couple bucks a year. Google uses cookies to serve ads and track website visits.  is now 100% ad free. Please consider supporting this websites continued existence by trying out the Brave Web Browser.
No identifiable information is stored or collected from visitors to this web site, ever. Period. You are not a product.


To opt out of google ads visit https://support.google.com/adsense/troubleshooter/1631343

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FoodBeerStuff.com is privately owned and shares no visitor information and has no affiliation with any third parties. FoodBeerStuff.com will never share or sell any information related to FoodBeerStuff.com users under any circumstance. 

Samples, Reviews & Endorsement Policy

From time to time, FoodBeerStuff.com and its authors may be given samples of a product, be asked/payed to review a product or be paid/asked to endorse a product. When this is the case, it will be transparent to the reader and a corresponding disclaimer will be attached to the article. 
All samples, reviews and endorsements payed or otherwise will be written with the utmost integrity and honesty. This may result is negative impressions and thoughts being published so keep this in mind before asking for FoodBeerStuff.com to sample, review or otherwise endorse your product.
For address and shipping information please click here and fill out the short form with your information. I will respond ASAP but please allow up to 48hrs.

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